题 目:Frost Heave in Dry Coarse Soils and Its Implications to High-Speed Railway Embankments
报告人:盛岱超 教授 中南大学、University of Newcastle in Australia
时 间:2018年11月20号上午9:00-10:00
地 点:科学馆516
Professor Daichao Sheng is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Newcastle in Australia. He also holds a conjoint Distinguished Professorship at Central South University in China. Prof Sheng received a BSc degree on Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology from Lanzhou University in China, an Engineering Licentiate degree and a Doctor of Engineering degree from Lulea University in Sweden. Prof Sheng’s research interests include computational geomechanics, unsaturated soils, cold region geotechnics and environmental geotechnics. He has published widely in these areas. He was awarded the RM Quigley Award by the Canadian Geotechnical Society, the John Booker Medal by the International Association of Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), the EH Davis Lecturer by the Australian Geomechanics Society. He is currently one of the two Editors of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.