




[1] 生态环保型铺面技术与新材料;

[2] 路面结构力学理论与环境效应;

[3] 耐久性路面建设养护基础理论与关键技术;

[4] 废弃材料在路基路面中的集约化再生利用;


[1] 2020.05 -   今:新葡的京集团35222vip土木与交通学院,交通工程系,     副教授/系副主任

[2] 2019.10 -   今:新葡的京集团35222vip土木与交通学院,交通工程系,     讲师/系副主任

[3] 2017.10 - 2018.09: 商丘市交通运输局                          副局长(挂职)  

[4] 2016.09 - 2017.09: 商丘市铁路建设办公室                      副主任(挂职)  

[5] 2015.07 - 2019.09: 新葡的京集团35222vip 土木与工程学院,交通工程系,     讲师

[6] 2011.09 - 2015.06 长安大学公路学院  道路与铁道工程         博士(硕博连读)

[7] 2009.09 - 2012.06: 长安大学 公路学院  道路与铁道工程         硕士

[8] 2005.09 - 2009.06: 长安大学 环工学院  环境科学               学士   


[1] 本科生:路基工程、道路与建筑材料、道路工程检测技术、大交通时代的机遇与挑战等

[2] 研究生:交通基础设施检测与养护技术、路面结构设计


[1] 广西壮族自治区科技重点研发项目,(2021-2023)

[2] 陕西交通科技项目,(2022-2023)

[3] 市政道桥养护施工标准化管理手册,(2021-2023)

[4] 国家自然科学基金(青年项目)考虑残存发泡水影响的泡沫温拌沥青/集料界面粘附性衰减机理研究;(2020-2022)

[5] 中国博士后基金面上项目(一等):基于AFM的泡沫温拌沥青/集料界面粘附特性研究; (2020-2021)

[6] 江西科技重点研发项目:环境敏感区公路沥青路面温拌抑烟节能铺筑技术的研究及应用;(2019-2021)

[7] 江西交通科技项目:公路沥青路面温拌抑烟节能铺筑技术的研究及应用; (2019-2021)

[8] 江西交通科技项目:重载路段灌注式半柔性抗车辙路面的研究与应用; (2020-2022)

[9] 浙江交通科技项目:公路路面现场检测数据远程处理分析技术研究;(2016-2018)

[10] 广西科技项目:高等级公路沥青路面病害诊治关键技术(子课题一);(2019-2020)

[11] 新葡的京集团35222vip中央高校基本科研业务费项目:泡沫温再生沥青粘附性的机理解析与性能评价研究(2020-2021

[12] 新葡的京集团35222vip中央高校基本科研业务费项目:注水发泡型温拌沥青混合料的降粘减阻机理研究(2018-2019

[13] 新葡的京集团35222vip中央高校基本科研业务费项目:沥青/集料热态固液相群拌合流态化行为及机理研究(2015-2016


[1] 主持新葡的京集团35222vip课程思政示范课程建设项目(重点项目):“道路建筑材料”(2020-2021)

[2] 钱家欢奖教金” 二等奖,2019年;

[3] 新葡的京集团35222vip讲课竞赛三等奖,2018年;

[4] 指导学生获美国大学生土木工程竞赛中太平洋分区赛交通赛亚军,2019年;

[5] 新葡的京集团35222vip“优秀班导师”,2018年,2021年;

[6] 新葡的京集团35222vip本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导老师,2017年;

[7] 新葡的京集团35222vip本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导老师,2019年;

[8] 指导本科生创新创业训练项目6项,



[1] Shengjie Liu, Shengbo Zhou, Aihong Peng.Analysis of moisture susceptibility of foamed warm mix asphalt based on cohesion, adhesion, bond strength, and morphology[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277 (2020) 123334. (SCI)IF= 7.246

[2] Shengjie Liu,, Shengbo Zhou, Aihong Peng. Laboratory evaluation of foamed warm mix binders and mixtures containing reclaimed asphalt pavements[J]. Construction and Building Materials 258 (2020) 119773. (SCI)IF= 4.046

[3]Shengjie Liu, Shengbo Zhou, Aihong Peng. Comparison of performance characterization of asphalt mastic prepared by foamed and unfoamed asphalt binders[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09507-z. (SCI)IF= 2.471

[4] Shengjie Liu, Shengbo Zhou, Aihong Peng. Evaluation of polyphosphoric acid on the performance of polymer modified asphalt binders. [J]. J Appl Polym Sci.( 2020);e48984. (SCI)IF= 2.188

[5] Shengjie Liu, Aihong Peng, Shengbo Zhou, Jiantao Wu, Weian Xuan, Wu Liu. Evaluation of the ageing behaviour of waste engine oil-modified asphalt [J]. Construction & Building Materials,223 (2019) 394–408. (SCI)IF= 4.046

[6] Shengjie Liu, Aihong Peng, Jiantao Wu, Sheng Bo Zhou. Waste engine oil influences on chemical and rheological properties of different asphalt binders[J]. Construction & Building Materials,191 (2018) 1210–1220. (SCI)IF= 4.046

[7] Liu S, Zhou S B , Xu Y . Evaluation of cracking properties of SBS-modified binders containing organic montmorillonite[J]. Construction & Building Materials,2018, 175:196-205. (SCI)IF= 4.046

[8] Liu Shengjie, Yu Xin, Dong Fuqiang. Evaluation of moisture susceptibility of foamed warm asphalt produced by water injection using surface free energy method [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 131:138-145. (SCI) IF= 4.046

[9] Shengjie Liu, Shengbo Zhou, Aihong Peng, Wu Li. Investigation of physiochemical and rheological properties of waste cooking oil/SBS/EVA composite modified petroleum asphalt [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science ,2019,12, online, (WOS:000503252300001). (SCI)IF= 2.188

[10] Shengjie Liu, Aihong Peng, Shengbo Zhou, Jiantao Wu, Weian Xuan, Wu Liu. Analysis of the performance and mechanism of desulfurized rubber and low-density polyethylene compound-modified asphalt[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136(45), 48194. (SCI)IF= 2.188

[11] Shengjie Liu,Aihong Peng, Shengbo Zhou, Hankuo Meng. Effect of foaming water on the rheological and microscopic properties of foamed warm mix asphalt binders[J]. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements,2019,145(3): 04019019 (SCI)IF= 0.983

[12] Shengjie Liu, Hankuo Meng, Yinshan Xu, Shengbo Zhou. Evaluation of rheological characteristics of asphalt modified with waste engine oil [J]. Petroleum Science and Technology.2018, 36 (2) :1-6. (SCI) IF= 1.07

[13] Shengjie Liu; Shengbo Zhou; Yinshan Xu. Estimating moisture susceptibility of asphalt modified with alumina trihydrate [J]. Građevinar, 2018.12(SCI),(IF= 0. 493

[14] Sh. Liu, Sh. Zhou , and Y. Xu. Investigation of moisture susceptibility of SBS modied asphalt containing alumina trihydrate by static contact angle measurements [J]. Scientia Iranica, (2019) 26(6), 3207-3218. (SCI),(IF= 0. 718

[15] Shengjie Liu , Yinshan Xu, Hankuo Meng,Shengbo Zhou. Laboratory evaluation of PE modified asphalt mixture containing reclaimed asphalt pavement [J]. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences.2019,2:83-88. (SCI)IF= 0.88

[16]Yu X, Liu Shengjie, Dong Fuqiang. Comparative assessment of rheological property characteristics for unfoamed and foamed asphalt binder [J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2016, 122:354-361. (SCI) IF= 4.046

[17] Zhou S B, Liu S, Xiang Y. Effects of filler characteristics on the performance of asphalt mastic: a statistical analysis of the laboratory testing results[J]. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 16(9): 1175-1183. (SCI) IF= 0.624



[1] 发明专利:排名1/4,一种常温环境下沥青分层取样装置及其取样方法, 2020, ZL 201910401308.X.

[2] 发明专利:排名1/1,一种泡沫温拌沥青水分散失规律的探测方法, 2021, ZL 202010756433.5.

[3] 发明专利:排名1/5,一种基于原子力显微镜检测SBS改性沥青中聚合物分散性的方法,2020, ZL201910173911.7.

[4] 发明专利:排名1/3,一种沥青发泡剂及其制备方法和应用, 2022 ,ZL202010742625.0.

[5] 实用新型:排名2/8,一种简易式室内沥青发泡试验装置,2020, ZL 201920344211.5 有权

[6] 实用新型:排名3/10,一种基于生物免疫毒性的沥青抑烟效果检测装置, 2021,ZL 202020555457.X

[7] 实用新型:排名2/8,模拟真实路面孔隙构造的水泥灌浆材料流动性测试装置,2021,ZL 202120344408.6

[8] 实用新型:排名1/3,沥青混凝土芯样储存装置,2019.11. CN 209617951 U

[9] 实用新型:排名1/5,电动力推车式路面取芯机,2019.8CN 209247407 U

[10] 实用新型:排名1/5,一种实验室用沥青路面抗滑性能测试实验装置,2019.10, CN 209542401 U.

[11] 实用新型:排名2/7,一种沥青发泡定量化特征采集装置,2019.11, CN 209542401 U

[12] 软件著作权:排名2/5,泡沫温拌沥青发泡效果图像处理软件,2019.42019SR0630126

[13] 发明专利:排名6/7,袋装砂井深度的检测装置及检测方法,2019.11CN107386340 A


[1] 中国交通运输协会科学技术奖,二等奖. 公路路基路面健康检测与评价技术研究,2018,排名4/10.

[2] 中国公路学会科学技术奖,一等奖. 基于泡沫温拌设备的沥青路面绿色施工关键技术研发及工程应用,2016,排名9/15.


[1] 世界交通运输大会沥青材料与沥青混合料技术委员会委员

[2] Construction & Building MaterialsInternational Journal of Pavement Engineering、材料导报、江苏大学学报(自然科学版)等期刊审稿人

[3] 广西交通科学研究院有限公司流动研究人员







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