

朱其志,教授、博士生导师,学院副院长。2000年本科毕业于新葡的京集团35222vip,2006年博士毕业于法国里尔科技大学,法国科研中心(CNRS)里尔力学研究所(LML)以及多尺度模拟与仿真研究所(MSME)博士后,2010年9受聘巴黎东部大学副教授,201210月至今为新葡的京集团35222vip岩土工程国家重点学科教授、博士生导师,研究方向为岩石多尺度多场耦合特性室内试验与理论模型、细观损伤力学、岩土体本构关系工程计算方法以及岩体工程数值模拟与仿真入选国家人才项目1项和省级人才计划项目2项主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项以及重点横向合作课题1项。创新研究主要包括:1.形成了较为系统的岩石多场耦合多尺度损伤本构理论研究体系,提出了业内领先的5参数损伤-摩擦耦合各向异性本构模型;2. 创新强度-变形耦合分析方法,提出了基于细观裂隙机理的岩石强度准则,建立了参数跨尺度联系和塑性-损伤本构方程的若干解析解,从理论上揭示了岩石破坏的临界损伤和变形特征以及拉剪破坏的过渡特性;3. 致力于解决数值分析中的网格依赖性,在多种非局部计算方法研究中做出了理论/数值贡献。


曾担任国家基金委“十四五”学科规划战略报告E0905编写组秘书长。目前兼任《岩石力学与工程学报》编委、《Water Sciences and Engineering》编委,《Engineering》土建水学科青年编委,《J. Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering科学编辑、科学出版社“岩土多场多尺度力学丛书”副主编。曾担任European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering特刊编辑。社会兼职包括岩石力学与工程学会多场耦合专委会副主任委员兼秘书长、青年工作委员会副主任委员以及新葡的京集团35222vip侨联副主席等。



    1. 岩石力学

    2. 高等岩石力学:岩石损伤力学

3. 岩土数值方法(有限单元法理论与编程)



    1. 岩石多尺度多场耦合特性室内试验与理论模型

    2. 细观损伤力学

    3. 岩土体本构关系

    4. 工程计算方法(XFEM、近场动力学、无网格法、相场法等)

    5. 岩土工程软件与数值实验平台


1. 朱其志,《多尺度岩石损伤力学》,科学出版社,2019.3

2. Qizhi Zhu, Jianfu Shao. A Semi-empirical Failure Criterion for Brittle Rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2020 accepted for publication DOI: 10.1007/s00603- 020-02125-z.

3. Kun Zhang#, Tao Ni, Giulia Sarego, Mirco Zaccariotto, Qizhi Zhu*, Ugo Galvanetto. Experimental and numerical fracture analysis of the plain and polyvinyl alcohol fiber-reinforced ultra-high-performance concrete structures. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 2020, 108, 102566.

4. T You#, QZ Zhu*, PF Li, JF Shao. Incorporation of tension-compression asymmetry into plastic damage phase-field modeling of quasi brittle geomaterials. International Journal of Plasticity. 2020, 124: 71-95

5. SS Yuan#, QZ Zhu*, LY Zhao, L Chen, JF Shao, J Zhang. Micromechanical modelling of short-and long-term behavior of saturated quasi-brittle rocks. Mechanics of Materials, 2020, 103298

6. WJ Li#, QZ Zhu*, T Ni. A local strain-based implementation strategy for the extended peridynamic model with bond rotation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2020, 358, 112625

7. T Ni#, M Zaccariotto, QZ Zhu*, U Galvanetto. Coupling of FEM and ordinary state-based peridynamics for brittle failure analysis in 3D. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2019 avaible online.

8. Tao Ni#, Mirco Zaccariotto, Qi-Zhi Zhu*, Ugo Galvanetto. Static solution of crack propagation problems in Peridynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019, 346: 126-151.

9. Lun-Yang Zhao#, Jian-Fu Shao, Qi-Zhi Zhu. Analysis of localized cracking in quasi-brittle materials with a micro-mechanics based friction-damage approach. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2018, 119: 163-187.

10. Hu K#, Zhu QZ*, Chen L, Shao JF, Liu J. A Micromechanics-based Elastoplastic Damage Model for Rocks with a Brittle-Ductile Transition in Mechanical Response. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2018, 51(6): 1729-1737.

11. Ni Tao#, Zhu QZ*, Zhao LY, et al. Peridynamic simulation of fracture in quasi brittle solids using irregular finite element mesh. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2018, 188: 320-343.

12. Sun YF, Gao YF, Zhu QZ*. Fractional order plasticity modelling of state-dependent behaviour of granular soils without using plastic potential. International Journal of Plasticity 2018, 102(3):53-69.

13. Zhao LY#, Zhu QZ, Shao JF. A micro-mechanics based plastic damage model for quasi-brittle materials under a large range of compressive stress. International Journal of Plasticity 2018, 100: 156-176.

14. Zhu QZ*, Ni T. Peridynamic formulations enriched with bond rotation effects. International Journal of Engineering Science 2017, 121:118-129.

15. Zhu QZ *, Yuan SS, Shao JF. Bridging meso- and microscopic anisotropic unilateral damage formulations for microcracked solids. Comptes Rendus Mécanique (法国科学院力学通报) 2017, 345(4): 381-392.

16. Zhu QZ*, Shao JF. Micromechanics of Rock Damage: Advances in the quasi brittle field. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2017, 9: 29-40.

17. Zhu QZ*. A New Rock Strength Criterion from Microcracking Mechanisms Which Provides Theoretical Evidence of Hybrid Failure. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2017, 50: 341-352.

18. Zhu QZ, Zhao LY, Shao JF. Analytical and numerical analysis of frictional damage in quasi brittle materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2016, 92: 137- 163.

19. Zhu QZ* Strength prediction of dry and saturated brittle rocks by unilateral damage- friction coupling analyses. Computers and Geotechnics 2016, 73: 16-23.

20. Zhao LY#, Zhu QZ*, Xu WY, Dai F, Shao JF. A unified micromechanics-based damage model for instantaneous and time-dependent behaviors of brittle rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2016, 84: 187-196.

21. Zhu QZ*, Yvonnet J. An incremental–iterative method for modeling damage evolution in voxel-based microstructure models. Computational Mechanics 2015, 55(2): 371-382.

22. Zhu QZ*, Shao JF. A refined micromechanical damage–friction model with strength prediction for rock-like materials under compression. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2015, 60-61:75-83.

23. Zhu QZ. On enrichment functions in the extended finite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2012, 91: 186-217.

24. Zhu QZ, Shao JF, Kondo D. A micromechanics-based thermodynamic formulation of isotropic damage with unilateral and friction effects. European Journal of Mechanics A - Solids 2011, 30: 316-325

25. Zhu QZ, Shao JF, Mainguy M. A micromechanics-based elastoplastic damage model for granular materials at low confining pressure. International Journal of Plasticity 2010, 26: 586-602.

26. Zhu QZ, Kondo D., Shao JF. Homogenization-based analysis of anisotropic damage in brittle materials with unilateral effect and interactions between microcracks. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2009, 33(6): 749-992.

27. Zhu QZ, Shao JF, Kondo D. Micromechanical modelling of anisotropic damage in brittle rocks and applications. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2008, 45: 467-477.

28. Zhu QZ, Shao JF, Kondo D. A micromechanics-based non-local anisotropic model for unilateral damage in brittle materials. Comptes Rendus Mécanique 2008, 336: 320-328.

29. Zhu QZ, Kondo D., Shao JF. Micromechanical analysis of coupling between anisotropic damage and friction in quasi brittle materials: role of the homogenization scheme. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2008, 45(5): 1385-1405.

30. Shao JF, Zhu QZ, Su K. Modeling of creep in rocks materials in terms of materials degradation. Computers and Geotechnics 2003, 30: 549-555.





联系方式qizhi_zhu@163.com, QQ24872671