






















[1] 民航重点实验室开放课题,MK202301,基于生物改性纳米SiO2的机场水泥混凝土道面表层性能提升技术,2023.11 - 2025.103万,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,#52378232,基于低强脉冲超声触发机制的混凝土微胶囊自修复方法研究,2024.01 - 2026.1250万元,参与

[3] 三峡金沙江川云水电开发有限公司,重大横向项目,水电站高边坡生态修复技术研究与示范应用,2023.12 - 2026.02419万元,主研

[4] 中国长江电力股份有限公司,重大横向项目,多功能生态混凝土新材料研发,2023.06 - 2025.12793万元,主研

[5] 美国国家能源部,重大项目,DOE DE-EE000867Cost-effective thermally activated building systems to support a power grid system with high penetrations of as-available renewable energy resources2019.08 - 2022.071000万元,主研

[6] 美国国家科学基金会,面上项目,NSF CMMI #1761672Collaborative research: In-situ Production of Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles in Fresh Concrete2018.08 - 2022.07200万元,主研

[7] 美国国家自然科学基金,面上项目,NSF CMMI #1563551Multifunctional Structural Panel for Energy Efficiency and Multi-Hazards Mitigation2016.08 - 2019.08200万元,主研



[1] 2023 博士后海外引才专项计划 教育部

[2] 2021 The 2021 Outstanding Dissertation Award 阿拉巴马大学

[3] 2020 CCEE Department Outstanding Research by a PhD Student Award 2020 阿拉巴马大学

[4] 2019 Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Student 美国国家科学基金会

[5] 2018 Graduate Council Fellowship 阿拉巴马大学



[1] 2022~2023年春季学期《工程材料C》,专业必修,2021级力学、港航专业,1.5学分

[2] 2022~2023年春季学期《工程材料实验》,专业必修,2021级港航、力学专业,1学分

[3] 2022~2023年春季学期《水利土木工程概论》,专业选修,2021级材料专业,2学分

[4] 2022~2023年春季学期《工程材料实务》,研究生任选,2022级材料与化工,2学分

[5] 2023~2024年秋季学期《生产实习》,专业实践,2020级材料专业,4学分



[1]  Fang Yi, Wang Jialai*, Wang Liang, Qian Xin*, Wang Xiaodong, Liao Wenyu, Chen Peiyuan, Ma Hongyan. Densifying hydration products of alite by a bio-inspired admixture [J]. Materials & Design, 2023, 225: 111490.

[2]  Fang Yi, Ahmad Muhammad Riaz, Lao Jian-Cong, Qian Lan-Ping, Dai Jian-Guo*. Development of artificial geopolymer aggregates with thermal energy storage capacity [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023, 135: 104834.

[3]  Fang Yi, Wang Jialai*, Wang Xiaodong, Amaral Monica Lages Do, Kniffin Hannah, Reed Miranda, Wang Liang, Qian Xin*. Bio-Based Admixture (Black Tea Extraction) for Better Performance of Metakaolin Blended Cement Mortars [J]. Materials, 2022, 15(11): 3994.

[4]  Fang Yi, Wang Jialai*, Qian Xin*, Wang Liang, Chen Peiyuan, Qiao Pizhong. A renewable admixture to enhance the performance of cement mortars through a pre-hydration method [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 332: 130095.

[5]  Fang Yi, Wang Jialai*, Qian Xin, Wang Liang, Dong Yijia, Qiao Pizhong. Low-cost, ubiquitous biomolecule as a strength enhancer for cement mortars [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 311: 125305.

[6]  Fang Yi, Wang Jialai*, Ma Haibin, Wang Liang, Qian Xin, Qiao Pizhong. Performance enhancement of silica fume blended mortars using bio-functionalized nano-silica [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 312: 125467.

[7]  Fang Yi, Wang Jialai*, Qian Xin, Wang Liang, Lin Guangping, Liu Zhongqi. Bio-inspired functionalization of very fine aggregates for better performance of cementitious materials [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 241: 118104.

[8]  Wang Chao, Xie Guoshuai, Cao Yuanzhang, Liu Jianping, Huang Yakang, Ning Quanji, Fang Yi*. Effect of tuff powder on the performance of low heat Portland cement-based materials[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 409: 134055. (共同通讯)

[9]  Chen P, Chen Q, Fang Y*, Wang C, Wang X, Li J, Wang Y. Preparation of shrinkage-free alkali-activated slag material using MgO as both the activator and the expansive agent [J]. Materiales de Construcción, 2023, 73(349): e306-e306. (通讯作者)

[10]  Qian Xin, Yang Heng, Wang Jialai, Fang Yi*, Li Mengxiao. Eco-friendly treatment of carbon nanofibers in cementitious materials for better performance [J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, 16: e01126. (通讯作者)

[11]  Qian Xin, Wang Jialai*, Wang Liang, Fang Yi*, Chen Peiyuan, Li Mengxiao. A clean dispersant for nano-silica to enhance the performance of cement mortars [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 371: 133647. (共同通讯)

[12]  Qian Xin, Li Mengxiao, Wang Jialai*, Wang Liang, Chen Peiyuan, Fang Yi*, Wang Xiaodong, Yang Fan. A bio-inspired, plant-derived admixture for metakaolin blended cement mortars [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 354: 129185. (共同通讯)

[13]  Chen Peiyuan, Zhang Liheng, Wang Yonghui, Fang Yi*, Zhang Feng, Xu Ying. Environmentally friendly utilization of coal gangue as aggregates for shotcrete used in the construction of coal mine tunnel [J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2021, 15: e00751. (通讯作者)


[1] 方毅. 2023土木工程纤维增强复合材料发展论坛第十二届全国建设工程FRP应用技术交流会暨第一届碳纤维复合材料工程应用研讨会, 中国常州, 2023-9-232023-9-24 (组织委员会委员)

[2] 方毅, 王家来. “基于天然产物单宁酸的水泥基材料性能增强及机理研究”, 第五届全国固废处理与生态材料学术与技术交流会, 中国南京, 2023-10-202023-10-22 (会议报告)

[3] Fang, Yi; Wang, Jialai; “Hydration of alite in presence of a bio-inspired strength enhancer”, 11th Advances in Cement-Based Materials, Virtual meeting, 2021-06-232021-06-25 (会议报告)



Cement and Concrete Research

• Construction and Building Material

• Journal of Building Engineering

• npj Materials Sustainability

• Journal of Building Engineering





Email: yifang@hhu.edu.cn
