







2005.9-2009.6  新葡的京集团35222vip,土木工程,学士学位

2009.9-2015.6  新葡的京集团35222vip,岩土工程,博士学位


2015.9-2017.9 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,博士后

2016.1-2018.1  香港科技大学, 访问学者

2018.1-至今  新葡的京集团35222vip 副研究员








Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the EnvironmentSCI(20171~至今)

Geomechanics and Engineering, An International JournalSCI(20177~至今)

Marine Georesources & GeotechnologySCI(201712~至今)


2016-2018  国家青年科学基金项目(批准号:51608152):不均匀沉降作用下土质覆盖层防渗性能劣化机理及调控方法

2016-2018  中国博士后科学基金(批准号:2016M591536):不均匀沉降作用下土质覆盖系统水分运移规律研究

2016-2018  广东省自然科学基金---博士启动(批准号:2016A030310368):不均匀沉降作用下土质覆盖系统水分运移规律研究

2016-2017  中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室开发基金(批准号:IWHR-SKL-201610):考虑各向异性的土石坝料渗透变形研究







1.刘坚,陈锐,刘士高,史林,左文荣, 侯晓波, 贾晓涛. 一种以工程弃土为原料的泡沫砖的制备方法:中国,发明专利号:2015102211177,授权日期:20171222.

2.邓刚,李维朝,夏庆福,陈锐,温彦锋,于沭,张延亿,刘坚. 200米以上超高坝水库放空洞及其布置方法、用途:中国,发明专利号:2015104780238,授权日期:201762.

3.陈锐,刘坚,吴宏伟,黄俊文,王若宣. 一种非饱和土体水力特性的各向异性测量装置及测量方法:中国,发明专利号:201410024072X,授权日期:2016927.

4.陈锐,刘坚,邓刚,戴卓志. 一种可测流速的高精度低压气体发生装置及其使用方法:中国,发明专利号:2014100830623,授权日期:201698.

5.吴跃东,刁红国,刘坚,陈锐,石晓燕. 一种有效防止路基湿化病害的毛细阻滞路基结构以及施工方法:中国,发明专利号:2013104089293,授权日期:2016616.

6.陈锐,刘坚,黄俊文,王若宣,李锦辉. 一种现场土壤水势测量仪及其使用方法:中国, 发明专利号:2014100217282,授权日期:2016323.

7.陈锐,刘坚,吴宏伟,王若宣,黄俊文. 增脱湿路径下非饱和土体水力特性参数测量装置及方法:中国,发明专利号:2014100217719,授权日期:2016511.

8.陈锐,刘坚,许颖,乔劼. 多股管线大内径的传感器密封装置及其组装方法:中国,发明专利号:2013103065516,授权日期:201616.

9.陈锐,刘坚,邓刚,乔劼,韩羲词. 用于测量土中水的水势的张力计及其组装方法:中国,发明专利号:2012105540257,授权日期:201592.


1.Liu J., Huang J. W., Deng G. and Xu J.* 2016. Rebuttal to "Effect of seasonable weather variations on the desiccation behavior of treated oil sand fine tailings". Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(6), 1-3. (SCI)

2.Liu J., Deng G. and Xu J.* 2016. Discussion of “New transient method for determining soil hydraulic conductivity function”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 54(3): 451-452. (SCI)

3.Liu J., Chen R.* and Ng C. W. W. 2015. Discussion of “Physical and numerical study of lateral diversion by three-layer inclined capillary barrier covers under humid climatic conditions”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(4): 530-531. (SCI)

4.Liu J., Wu Y. D., Chen R.* and Deng G. 2015. Experimental study and modelling on saturated coefficient of permeability of a geofoam. Materials Research Innovations, 19(S1): 312-315. (SCI)

5.Mei G. X., Chen R. and Liu J.* 2016. New insight into developing mathematical models for predicting deformation-dependent lateral earth pressure. International Journal of Geomechanics. 17(8). (SCI)

6.Diao H. G., Wu Y. D., Liu J.* and Luo R. P. 2015. An analytical investigation of soil disturbance due to sampling penetration. Geomechanics and Engineering, 9(6): 743-755. (SCI)

7.Wu Y. D., Zeng C. C., Liu J.* and Diao H. G. 2016. Measured settlement of highways improved by lightweight backfilling without road closure. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 1-8. (SCI)

8.Deng G., Xu T., Chen R., Lu Z. and Liu J.* 2017. Numerical analysis on stabilizing mechanism of soil nails in steep fill slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using a hypoplastic model. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. (Published online) (SCI)

9.Ng C. W. W., Liu J., Chen R.* and Xu J. 2015. Physical and numerical modeling of an inclined three-layer (silt/gravelly sand/clay) capillary barrier cover system under extreme rainfall. Waste Management, 38: 210-221. (SCI)

10.Wu Y. D.*, Liu J. and Ng C. W. W. 2013. The effects of pile extraction and refilling with cement slurry on ground settlements. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 50(3): 343-349. (SCI,导师第一)

11.Ng C. W. W., Liu J. and Chen R.* 2015. Numerical investigation on gas emission from three landfill soil covers under dry weather conditions. Vadose Zone Journal,14 (8) (SCI,导师第一)

12.Ng C. W. W., Liu J., Chen R.* and Lim C. J. 2015. Numerical parametric study of an alternative three-layer capillary barrier cover system. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(5): 4419-4429. (SCI,导师第一)

13.Wu Y. D., Liu J. and Chen R.* 2015. An analytical analysis of a single axially-loaded pile using a nonlinear softening model. Geomechanics and Engineering, 8(6): 769-781. (SCI,导师第一)

14.Chen R., Liu J., Li J. H.* and Ng C.W.W. 2015. An integrated high-capacity tensiometer for measuring water retention curves continuously. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79(3):943-947. (SCI,导师第一)

15.Wu Y. D., Diao H. G., Ng C. W. W., Liu J. and Zeng C. C. 2016. Investigation of ground heave due to jet grouting in soft clay. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30(6): 06016003. (SCI)

16.Wu Y. D., Diao H. G., Liu J. and Zeng C. C. 2016. Field studies of a technique to mitigate ground settlement of operating highways. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A: Applied Physics & Engineering, 17(7), 565-576. (SCI)

17.Liu J., Chen R., Zhan L. T., Li Z. Q. and Ng C. W. W. 2015. Feasibility investigation of a local weathered soil as final cover material for a landfill in south China. Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Guilin, Chine, 23-26 Octber 2015, Editors, Chen Z.H., Wei C.F., Sun D.A., Xu Y. F.:811-816. (ISTP检索).

18.Wu Y. D., Liu J.* and Zheng S. H. 2011. Research on foamed cement banking for non-uniform differential settlement in used super highway. Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, ACEE 2011. 6: 5334-5337. (EI)

19.Wu Y., Shi C., Liu J. and Li Z. 2012. Study on the bearing characteristics of long-short piles composite foundation under embankment load., 6th Congress on Forensic Engineering 2012, ASCE Special Publication: 673-681.(EI)

20.吴跃东,王维春*,刘坚,季凯. 2012. 砂砾卵石土高速公路路基填筑试验研究,岩土力学, 33(S1): 217-222. (EI)

21.吴跃东,石晓燕*,刘坚,刁红国. 2013. 真空预压加固区硬壳层的水分运移解析解.岩土力学, 34(S2): 110-114.(EI)

22.陈锐*,刘坚,吴宏伟,乔劼. 2013.一种装配式新型张力计的研制. 岩土力学,34(10): 3028-3032. (EI)

23.Wu Y., Zeng C. and Liu J. 2014. A Treatment Solution to Differential Settlement in Existing Highway on Soft Ground. the Fourth International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster mitigation and Rehabilitation (4th GEDMAR), 2014.9. (EI)

24.陈锐,王若宣,刘坚*,邓刚. 2015. 节点自适应无网格法在非饱和土瞬态渗流分析中的应用.土木工程学报, 48(S2): 12-16.(EI).

25.吴跃东,罗如平,刘坚,杨冬. 2016. 基于透明土的取土管贯入扰动变形试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 38(8): 1507-1512.

26.易定达,刘坚. 2011. 小断面泥水盾构穿越三汊河堤防施工技术.隧道建设, S2, 113-119.

27.李宁,李向凤,刘坚. 2011. 真空预压地基沉降计算方法研究. 岩土工程技术,25(2): 86-89.

28.吴跃东,季凯,刘坚,王维春. 2012. 基于CPTU估算贯入桩周土径向塑性变形半径. 中国岩石力学与工程学会: 127.

29.季凯,吴跃东,刘坚,王维春. 2012. 基于CPTU的海相黏土固结状态和灵敏度估算方法. 水利水电科技进展, 32(5): 47-51.

30.吴跃东,丁磊,陆钊,刘坚. 2014. 轻质土在处置公路路堤沉降中的应用. 低温建筑技术, 36(10).

31.黄俊文,吴跃东,刘坚,陈锐. 2017. 湿润地区毛细阻滞层路基防渗作用的数值分析. 公路工程, 42(1):31-34

32.黄俊文,于沭,邓刚,刘坚,陈锐. 2017. 渗透破坏诱发土石坝溃坝洪水过程概化计算模型. 中国水运

